Pet rabbits make cherished friends because of their amiable nature and lovely appearance. Rabbits can, however, contract various ailments, illnesses, and emergencies, just like any
Tag: Pet Illness

A neat coat depicts a healthy cat, and as pet parents, it is your responsibility to maintain this health. In this write-up, we have stated

Persian cats have thick coats that require regular grooming and cleaning to maintain their health and shine. This article has stated the importance and steps

Tip top rain drops, a warm cup of tea and some snacks, this reminds us of the oh-so- lovely monsoon season and the bliss it

In this article, you can find out the reasons, symptoms, and treatments for Demodicosis, a skin condition in dogs caused due to an excessive number

Is your Dog spending a considerable amount of time scratching, itching, biting and licking the skin? If your answer is YES, your pet might have

Dermatophytosis also known as ringworms in dogs is a fungal infection and medical condition that affects the hair, skin and claws or nails of the

Fur shedding can be seasonal or due to a particular condition. Read on to find out what you need to do about hair fall in

Canine acne in dogs can be a mild or severe inflammatory disorder that can lead to swelling, scabs and bleeding wounds of the muzzle, skin

If your dog is suffering from itchy and smelly skin, consider taking serious measures since you could be dealing with bacterial and skin yeast infections.