Year: 2022

Better ways to keep them cool Summary: It is a widespread belief that shaving dogs during summers will help them keep cool; however, our experts suggest otherwise. Cutting

The article informs about the age when female puppies mature. Notice the signs when your female puppies start maturing. The pet parents must take special

Sterlisation is a responsible way of caring for pet. It can lead to a happy and healthy life for your pet. Its natural to be

Spaying is a surgical procedure, and like any surgery, it can cause discomfort and complications. In some cases, your dog might need extra care after

Neutering a cat is a big decision for any cat owner. It is a surgical procedure; follow the doctor’s instructions carefully for your cat’s post-neutering

Kittens need their mom for warmth and nutrition for the first few weeks, so make sure that the mother cat has enough food and water.

Now that your cat is pregnant, you must take care of her hygiene and diet. Positive steps taken in this direction will ensure that your