Tip top rain drops, a warm cup of tea and some snacks, this reminds us of the oh-so- lovely monsoon season and the bliss it
Month: August 2021

In this article, you can find out the reasons, symptoms, and treatments for Demodicosis, a skin condition in dogs caused due to an excessive number

Is your Dog spending a considerable amount of time scratching, itching, biting and licking the skin? If your answer is YES, your pet might have

Paw pads of a Dog are mostly overlooked when it comes to grooming and are thus prone to Corns. If left untreated, Corns in Dogs

Dermatophytosis also known as ringworms in dogs is a fungal infection and medical condition that affects the hair, skin and claws or nails of the

Fur shedding can be seasonal or due to a particular condition. Read on to find out what you need to do about hair fall in